
"Jacques Rigaut" - A Limited edition

Annie Gardiner, la batteuse du groupe Venus Bogardus

Si vous êtes un fidèle lecteur de ce blog, vous vous souvenez certainement que j'avais mentionné dans un post précédent l'existence d'une chanson intitulée "Jacques Rigaut", écrite et interprétée par le groupe anglais Venus Bogardus. James Reich le chanteur et guitariste du groupe m'annonce par mail qu'ils vont enregistrer ce morceau en édition limitée sur vinyl. Ils ont même créé un label pour l'occasion : Patchogue Records... Pour rester dans la note, J.G. me signale un autre hommage musical à Rigaut, celui du groupe espagnol Lori Meyers avec un morceau intitulé "La vida de Jacques Rigaut". Sex, drugs & rock'n roll?

Dear Jean-Luc!
We are planning to release a 7" record/single of Jacques Rigaut on Nov. 6th,
the day of his suicide. We would like you to be involved.

Would you be willing to record 1 or 2 minutes of your thoughts about Jacques
that we could put on the record, please? That would be very cool. You could
record it on a cassette or to cd and send it to us, or you could send an mp3
file if you prefer.

We are setting up the record label Patchogue Records, an it will be a
limited edition of 500 copies. We are hoping our friend Stanley Donwood
(radiohead artist) will help with the design, and also our friend Matthew
Robertson who wrote and designed the book "Factory Records, The Complete
Graphic Album" will work on type setting. It will be beautiful.

We would be pleased and honoured if you could speak for 2 minutes about
jacques and send a recording to us to go on the record. We would need to
have it before the end of August.

Naturally, we would credit you, and we might be able to pay you something
when we have sold some records. It will be good for us both.

Do you think you can help, please?
Best regards
Your friend